Welcome to EMKP repository page!
EMKP stewards the materials generated by EMKP projects in an open-access digital repository provided by Figshare.
Figshare is an online open-access repository service launched in 2012 where researchers can preserve and share their research outputs.
Why Figshare – Main Benefits:
- Stores and preserves all possible digital formats (audio, video, image, dataset, text, geospatial, 3D, VR…).
- Allows high-resolution assets to be accessed from the public-access layer without the need to be requested.
- Enables custom metadata schemas to record and retrieve the information providing more flexibility and accuracy.
- Enables the recording and retrieval of multilingual information.
- All assets are attributed and licensed.
- All assets have a DOI (Digital Object Identifier)
- Built-in security features that enable the embargo of Assets if necessary.
- Allows URL query searches that enable the retrieval and sharing of specific assets.
- Has an open API (Application Programming Interface) that allows the download of assets and metadata in bulk.
Open-access and challenges
Following Arcadia’s Open-Access policy, all grants’ outputs must be open-access, although in exceptional circumstances, when access controls can be placed on material that for ethical or cultural reasons should not be made publicly accessible.
Open access (OA) is a set of principles and practices through which research outputs are distributed online, free of cost or other access barriers. The movement started in the early 2000s and since then several institutions and organizations have embraced the open access principles. As an Open-Access programme, EMKP endeavours to make the documentation uploaded to its repository easily findable online, as well as accessible to a wide audience, and reduce barriers to the distribution of knowledge.
As part of the Open-Access commitments, the materials uploaded to the repository are under the CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0 Creative Commons license. While the creators of the contributions and assets will remain the Intellectual Property Rights holders, they are allowing EMKP to use and upload collated material through the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial– ShareAlike International licence. This means that if people download and re-use EMKP assets in any shape or form they have to i) give appropriate credit to the researcher; ii) they may not use the material for commercial purposes; and iii) any copies, remixes, or material that uses the researcher’s contributions will have to be shared under the same licence. This license is internationally recognised.
FAIR and CARE principles
As part of our approach to make the programme sustainable over the long-term, all data uploaded to the EMKP repository will be in accordance with FAIR and CARE principles. The FAIR principles (Findable, Accessible, Interoperable, Reusable) within the open access movement ensure the accessibility and reutilisation of data to increase its interoperability across databases and projects. The CARE principles for Indigenous Data Governance (Collective Benefit, Authority to Control, Responsibility and Ethics) complement the existing FAIR values to encourage open access data movements to consider both people and purpose and engage with indigenous people’s rights and interests.
Navigating the repository
The EMKP repository currently holds complete datasets generated by projects from Kenya, Cambodia, Malaysia, Thailand, among others. A total of 2,675 assets have been uploaded to date, including images, videos, audio, maps, transcripts, and fieldwork notes. Detailed contextual information is recorded alongside the assets ensuring the voices of knowledge holders are preserved within the digital format of the platform.
The repository allows the segmentation of the collection by project. If you click on search, then on the left content type > project, this will give you all the projects in the repository, so you can search by project and related content (see image on the right). For a more detailed outline of individual project datasets, you can then type ‘Guide to the Data’ or ‘Guide to the Dataset’ into the search bar at the top of the project repository page.
To help you navigate each dataset, we have also created specific pages on the website for individual completed projects. Each page explains how the projects have been developed, the sort of data generated, and how it has been organised. On each project page you will find a button called ‘project repository’, which will take you to the repository page for that specific project.